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Free Paid Program-PTC

This time i will tell you about Paid To Click (PTC) program. Based on it name PTC is program where person who become it member will get paid for "clicking" ads, teks link, banner, and view the advertising web for several seconds. Generally you could register as free or paid member in this program, of course there are some differencess betwen free and paid member. Compare to Free member, Paid member usually get more paid for each click they did, get more ads to click, more cash for they referal activity, and something paid member get advertising credit so they could promote their web in PTC program (to be clicked by other member). Here are some PTC program that i could give you at this time:
Clicksense ; adbux ; bux.to ; adcash ; donkey mails ; emailsPaysU ; cashmoneymails ; JilssClickcorner ; 5centminimum ; nominimum ; The other i'll post next time!


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